The MisterShortcut Zen Path
MisterShortcut Zen Path - Master Secrets Of The Universe
How to Give Billions of Dollars To Eliminate Starvation
Don't forget that there are savings bonds and other simple tools to do this with

Turning 100 Dollars Into A Billion
The enclosed sum is tended to this bank under the following immutable conditions:

1) Neither the principle nor interest will be released for two hundred years.

2) In return for collecting one percent at the end of this period, the bank agrees to undertake any reasonable and legal tax avoidance techniques to empower the highest possible value of the account that these enclosed funds engender. Costs for doing so shall be absorbed by the bank in the interest of promoting and participating in the intent of this document and its successful execution, which is to feed starving people. The bank's fee at the end of the two hundred years is to be one percent of the total at that time.

3) Should the bank be sold or be rendered insolvent, the bank agrees that the principal and interest will be paid to the nearest legitimate competing bank organization before any other active or dormant account within the bank's care on one day following the date that a decision has been arrived at by competent authority within or without the bank that such a sale, merger, or bank failure will take place or has taken place.

In the event of merger, the funds can remain provided that the chief operating officer of the combined organization warrants and guarantees that the full force of this document, and its clear intent, will be honored first and foremost among all accounts in the care or command of the bank. Should this bank decline to honor the intent of this fund, all accumulated funds will be transferred immediately to the nearest competing bank not owned by the same or affiliated corporation as the currently participating bank.

4) At the end of the two hundred year period, the bank is assigned up to one tenth of one percent of the total accumulated funds to be directed towards identifying the poorest one percent or ten thousand families of the poorest two percent or ten thousand poorest families who are living below the poverty line, whichever is greater. recipents must be willing to state within a period of one year of this fund's first maturation, in writing or aloud to an appointee of the bank, how they intend to enjoy one third of their share and how they will invest the other two thirds for growth. This one tenth of one percent is in addition to the one percent ultimately assigned to the bank for banking fees and administration. Geographically moving the fund for purpose of manipulating ultimate distribution is considered a nullifying breach of this contract.

5) An additional ninety-seven percent of the total account is to be divided equally amongst the poorest two percent or ten thousand families, whichever is greater, that the bank has identified, and who have stated aloud or in writing their plans as stated above.

6) The bank's decisions regarding disbursement of these one-time payments are to be final, binding, and not subject to arbitration, provided that the bank actually releases each portion without restriction, to each individual within that two percent bracket of poverty by the end of one calendar year past the date of this fund's 200th anniversary who meet the criterion detailed in Paragraph Four of this document.

7) The remaining accumulated funds are to be entrusted to the bank to repeat this process unto eternity.

In the event that any one or more of these conditions be unacceptable to or not honored by this bank, it is directed that the enclosed funds be sent intact with this document, to nearest legitimate banking competitor as described above.

No, it's not necessary to duplicate this perfectly. It's provided as a blueprint to give you the basic idea. You can type or print out these words, or even re-write it as you see fit, or consult a lawyer to get it just so.
Now that shouldn't be too difficult.       When you double your money 25 times, you hit a billion after taxes.
In 200 years, historical evidence indicates that your one hundred dollars will double more than 25 times, and still have four or more years of phenomenal growth.
Go ahead; alter history with a mere hundred-dollar bill.

That's the fee you and the MisterShortcut Zen Path can agree is right for the millions of minutes crafting this for you,
The MisterShortcut Zen Path the MisterShortcut Zen Path, the largest personal website that will likely ever be created.

More than three million minutes - - one at a time, crafting the uncountable corners of the MisterShortcut Zen Path,
just for you --- to bring you the shortcuts and PowerGems of masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires.
More than five thousand masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, and their secrets, for you.

How about saving a life with clicks?    Corporate food donations made for two clicks.     1.1 cups of food donated via TheHungerSite.
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The MisterShortcut Zen Path of Winners and Champions

The MisterShortcut Zen Path of Winners and Champions Champions and Billionaires is likely the greatest self-empowerment site of all, focusing on the Tao of Healthier Living .

How To Give Billions of Dollars
To Erase Hunger and Starvation
Starting With Just One Hundred Dollars

Welcome to the MisterShortcut Zen Path, from Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts
With millions of unique pages on literally thousands of unique websites,
it is hard to challenge the claim that Mister_Shortcut has indeed built the MisterShortcut Zen Path
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This is the MisterShortcut Zen Path of Winners and High Achievers, Role Models and Leaders

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        1,000,000 web pages

© EasyStreet, USA by MisterShortcut via the MisterShortcut Zen Path
All rights reserved for those who reach out to starving people.

For now, you can feed people with a free click
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What is the purpose of these
1,000,000-plus Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts Web Pages?

How you can give billions of dollars to charity.       EyeCandy is the one-word version of the phrase "eye candy," give a billion and more dollars to charity with a hundred dollar bill,living stronger for longer, masters and millionaires shortcuts.

As you see, it was no joke. Simple instructions on how to give billions of dollars to charity with a one-hundred-dollar bill. Benjamin Franklin, bless his memory, first created a smaller version of this. Instead of generating merely millions of dollars for charity, you can actually generate and give billions of dollars to feed starving people or whatever charitable interest you think is most appropriate.

The MisterShortcut Zen Path is not merely for wealth generation. That's entirely too small-minded. Nor is it ultimately free, in that you are absolutely expected to give significantly higher percentages of your new and unprecedented incomes to whatever charitable interests appeal to you.

One of the numerous perfections of the MisterShortcut Zen Path is that it keeps such sweet and perfect company with Newton's Third Law of Physics, and all other known laws of life; our great axioms. Because The MisterShortcut Zen Path is going to boost your income both measurably and dramatically, your charitable requirements go up. It's just that simple.

No other program ever developed can exceed the speed or guaranteed positive impact of the MisterShortcut Zen Path. Lest anyone operate under the mistaken thought that MisterShortcut created these PowerGems, your life gets benefit in the next ten seconds by understanding that all of the great PowerGems of life are not the result of any one human. PowerGems and all of the wisdom we find at The MisterShortcut Zen Path and related sites are merely decocted, or condensed presentations of the best wisdom of the greatest and most productive minds in human history.

Reading a book or two per day for thousands and thousands and thousands of days has a way of transmitting information in waves. Patterns that get repeated many hundreds of times are identified by some of us as patterns. Despite the reality that most all of us have the ability to discern patterns, most of us are too focused on petty issues to get involved with the best potential inside each of us. Only so many minutes per day, right? Others among us love those patterns. That explains why people will go through serious challenges to pursue careers that relate, from music to mathematics, and a thousand others that demand qualified identification and use of patterns.

You now know how to turn one hundred dollars, simply and without huge requirements of time or effort, all for charity, all in your name if you wish. Do you realize how fascinated we will all become with you, if only for a minute or a day, when we learn that you have underwritten a billion-dollar fund for charity? Can you imagine how you personally will feel, and how much more you're going to start accomplishing in other areas when you stand up and say, "Well, I've sponsored several different billion-dollar funds for charity?" Do you really not understand that it's like growing several inches in the space of a day or two? With all good people around you applauding your world-changing actions? Please.

From the Tao of Healthier Living coign of vantage, when you fund a billion dollar charity fund, you certainly benefit your immune system, every single time you think about it. All those drugs and supplements and vitamins intended to boost your immune system. It's worth of cachination, because laughter and orgasms and hugging someone you adore... or the act of giving with no hope of getting anything back in the material sense.

No rational human can refute a single word of this, so it's worth restating a statement so deliciously certain. When you fund a billion-dollar charity by turning one hundred dollars into one billion dollars or more, your immune system gets boosted every time you feed it into your mental video. It's a great feeling, so MisterShortcut, on behalf of all the great minds and givers in history, people who have given at the level of Paul Newman, or Warrent Buffet or, of course, Bill Gates, and so many others, on behalf of the MisterShortcut Zen Path and all of the great masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires who have given greatly, please, give yourself the greatest birthday present imaginable and take one hundred dollars, turn it into a billion dollars for charity, and reap the results quickly, and repeatedly.

PS - Lest we forget, there's another interesting benefit, again, it's absolutely guaranteed. When you fund this billion-dollar charitable effort, you're going to observe your financial state going up. Doesn't have to make sense to if Newton's third law really doesn't get through to you. Every person who turns a hundred dollars into a billion by this or any other similar method if there is one, is unconditionally assured of obtaining better financial results in their life. Scientists can debate until the cows come home. The feedback from students around the world speak louder than a stadium full of naysayers. When we pay attention to the words and deeds of masters and millionaires, we inevitably duplicate their results

Welcome to the MisterShortcut Zen Path.
All for you because you're worth it.

Think how you'll be remembered, leaving billions of dollars to charity, particularly to feed the hungry, starving people of the world.     Think how many people you will save from the horrors of starvation!! Go ahead, give a billion and more dollars to charity with a hundred dollar bill, eliminating and erasing hunger and starvation. In return, Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts websites will provide you with EyeCandy and entirely useful PowerGems, all the MisterShortcut Zen Path developed by our role models. Compliments of Masters and Millionaires, free for life.

As the MisterShortcut Zen Path hopes you have understood by this point, you can give billions to charity with as little as a hundred-dollar bill, making use of the most effective shortcuts developed by humankind thus far, engaging the best of the Psychology of Shortcuts within you, by paying YOURSELF first, so you can then pay to help the helpless.

Empowering you to empower yourself, special among billions, use your tools: the MisterShortcut Zen Path, the Best Shortcuts of Winners and Champions.

The MisterShortcut Zen Path is YOUR MisterShortcut Zen Path,
your own place to examine the best thoughts of the best achievers among us,
where the Godfather of Shortcuts uses interactive fun, EyeCandy, to promote your success.
Showing us what you can do is so much more impressive than telling us what you can do.
Do you understand that you've only achieved the tiniest fraction of why you are here at all?
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When is it your turn to enjoy a better life?

Using any one or more PowerGems within the MisterShortcut Zen Path repeatedly
is guaranteed to produce faster and better results for you.   Let's do it, hm?

The MisterShortcut Zen Path is a part of the mother of all websites,
the Psychology of Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires.
Free for your life, MisterShortcut hopes you find
at least some of the thousands of hidden treats
spread throughout hundreds of thousands
of unique web pages created for YOU
by the Godfather of Shortcuts,
the Godfather of EyeCandy,

Will billions of combinations of ideas within any field of human endeavor, YOUR choices are virtually limitless.
Choose the universal shortcuts that work best for you, and total winning becomes a realistic goal for YOU.