Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts
Bulk up your mind at the MisterShortcut Zen Path of Winners and Leaders

    MisterShortcut Zen Path and Tao of Healthier Living:
The largest creation of all time:   Millions of unique urls with unique self-empowerment riches    - By MisterShortcut.   Free for YOUR life

Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts
Superlative Shortcuts Of Winners

Considering that no less than millions of people are living their dreams at this minute, what is your reason again for NOT using masters' and millionaires' shortcuts?

Please put your mind into the zone of acceptance that the MisterShortcut Zen Path inevitably has several goals in mind with each utterance. It is one of the primary goals of wisdom itself.

Can you tell us in ten words or less why you openly admit that masters and millionaires and champions and billionaires, (so many of whom go broke and get rich an average of nearly three times each in the second half of their lives), use "master shortcuts," while you don't?

Once you get a recipe down, most of your steps become shortcuts, right, or not? This is a primary source of shortcuts for most people: learning how to do something a little bit better, or a little bit faster, and sometimes both. Masters and millionaires and champions and billionaires use their understanding of this more than you do. YOU ALREADY USE THIS TECHNIQUE! Masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires do not necessarily do it that much better than you: ONLY MORE OFTEN OR WITH MORE EXCITEMENT.

That's really a majority of the difference between them... and you. They simply focus more on the shortcuts that help them to get better at increased speeds, to achieve more in the same or less time. Is this not your goal? Are you NOT interested in doing what you are already doing... either better, faster, or a combination of both? As long as this IS your goal, the MisterShortcut Zen Path empowers you to empower yourself more efficiently.

If and when you can identify the reason you do or do not make fullest use of the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires whom YOU admire, that's when you increase the likelihood of your duplicating the results of masters and millionaires, and even champions and billionaires.

What adds to the sweetness of this is that there is no necessity for you to accept or believe the asseverations on this from any one single source, including the MisterShortcut Zen Path. Find yourself ten or twenty or a hundred people in the world who are among the best at what they do, in your field of greatest interest. Ask each of them the same one or two or five or ten questions that you can ask each of them to answer. Whatever your chosen field of endeavor, there are people in the world doing (repeatedly) at world-class.

In every field of human effort, there are masters and millionaires. We know this as a general rule, and sometimes as a small group of rules. One of the primary tasks assigned to you by the MisterShortcut Zen Path is the search for the list of rules most appropriate to your area of interest. The MisterShortcut Zen Path is packed with them, hidden right in plain sight for you to pluck. When you wish to narrow down the rules, you need to look at the people who are doing it best. You get to reduce your study time some eighty or more percent! DUPLICATE THE WORDS AND ACTIONS, and you are going to DUPLICATE THE RESULTS.

When you sit and watch a college or professional game, that may be recreation.... O C C A S I O N A L L Y, to provide yourself with some rest and relaxation. When you make a habit of watching those games, however, the plain truth is, the players and team owners are all laughing at you. You see, the players and owners are making more in a day than you make in a year, those who are less than HALF as smart as you are, or may be.

Taking it a step further, the very idea of "supporting our city's pro franchise football/basketball/baseball team is one of the saddest and still funniest things in modern culture. You see, those players (and owners) could not give a rat's ass about you, your financial or medical challenges, or the dangers your children are subjected to in schools that are not safe. As for "area loyalty," you can see how loyal the players are when they move to whatever pro team is offering them more money Even a fledgling subscriber to the tenets of the MisterShortcut Zen Path is inclined to see that as silly.

Does this NOT give you pause for thought? If you think they're NOT laughing at you, I guess you've never seen how they live... compared to how you live.

If you are not an acknowledged master or millionaire in your field, you have absolutely no right to a licit, valid opinion on how to do it successfully.
There are people who pursue their highest calling with passion, and there are people who do not. We already KNOW what you are.... because of whatever you've done on a day-to-day basis for years now. It is the final dividing line, the shortcut to understanding the most critical, instantaneous forward motion toward supersuccess: those who know what to do, and those who shut up and do it. Just like the thousands of Winners I've interviewed, and thousands more I've studied, your life is perfect proof of virtually every word you're reading. Stupid people are those who know exactly what to do; smart people are those who shut up and do it. Most people get only one life to live. Is it fair for us to say that you personally will probably only live one life? If you only have one of something, don't you want to treat it differently than you do something you have many of?    

Do you understand (which means, do you ACT as if you understand) that life, like a piece of bread or light bulb, is made up of smaller components that are combined? With bread, for this example, it's the smaller components of flour, water, and heat.
With the light bulb, it's a piece of wire, a couple of supports, a wire band, glass.

With life, the smaller components are what we call seconds, which rapidly become minutes and years.

Just as we can take a light bulb or piece of plastic and add it to other items to be part of a truck, the individual seconds of your life, and mine, and everyone who lives and breathes, those seconds become hours, days, weeks, months, and years. Add up all the items, and the total is called "My Life." Because we add different amounts of different ingredients, the final product is also different.

Since you or somebody else paid for this presentation, it makes sense to use it. In the next handful of minutes, let's draft out a proposed plan for your life. Yes, you. Five minutes. Ten minutes. You are busier with something more important than the rest of your life?

Please remember that, unlike games you pay other people to play, Life has no timeouts. From the MisterShortcut Zen Path to you, "The clock of Life never gets to take a break."

That's why masters and millionaires use this specifically, even magnificently utile shortcut, and so many other successful shortcuts.

Go ahead!   Write in the margins if you have to. PUT IT ON PAPER. It is one of the most compelling of all the shortcuts of power: it must be written. Never mind what's in your head. Does no good until it's outside of your head, under your control. For your sake. Scribble ideas and wishes in the margins. USE IT!!

Everything important you ever do in your life you plan, from weddings and holidays to interstate travel.

In minutes, we begin drafting a plan for the most important journey of all: YOUR LIFE.

Stop and think about it: ever been to a wedding? I would suppose that no less than 95% of all weddings go off wonderfully. Every wonder why? Think there might be a connection to the fact that the wedding or other affair was so carefully planned? The color and folding of the napkins or type of lettering on the invitations to the honeymoon suite reservations, et alia: the event is planned, on paper.

It's broken down to smaller steps, correct?

Would you even dream of trying to make a three-day deadline to travel 1500 miles without a definite, clear, written plan, sometimes referred to as 'a map;' sometimes referred to as 'Give me the directions?" Of course not. You make the deadline specifically because you knew precisely where you were going, you found out which road to take, and then you persisted, even when you got lost, ran out of gas, or suffered other obstacles.

When you come to a red light, you stop your car (hopefully). At that moment, your forward momentum has stopped. In fact, your trip has come, literally, to a halt. Do you end the trip? Do you turn around and go home? Well, before you sneer, stop and consider how many times in your life you may have taken a first step, even a second, third, or ninth step towards doing or acquiring something, and suddenly your trip came to a halt. Proving once again that ninety-three percent of us are too stupid to act upon the knowledge that 100% of us possess, you quit. Because you quit, you failed, not the other way around. In any and every worthwhile thing you personally have ever accomplished, and repeated at will, it is exclusively because you knew precisely what you wanted, you knew what you had to do to get there, and you did it as many times as it took to get it done. Now, we get to use your skills for higher achievements, with results appearing as soon as the next hour or less... of YOUR life.

Just get the recipe correct. As it is when we work with a map-in-progress, or a blueprint for erecting a building, we work backwards, live forwards. You would not bake a cake without a specific, QUANTIFIED recipe. You would not dream of driving to another city without a map. You would not consider building a house without a blueprint. How could you possibly think of treating your life as something not worthy of building, rather than just taking as it comes?

What do these things have in common? They are written, and they are capable of being measured by QUANTIFIABLE smaller steps. Period. 45,000 pages of research are crunched into 2100 pages. Quantifiable. Enough material for ten books. When you ask better questions, you persistently get better answers, whether you're asking the question of yourself, or someone else. It works. Use it.

  • Precisely (meaning precisely) what do I want?
  • By what date?

  • What five smaller pieces can I break this into?
  • Who can I ask for help?
  • What first measurable step can I take in the next five days?

Put your answers, IN WRITING , and you now see the map to your own highly-accelerated success in any and every human endeavor. PLUS, it provides the brain with a magic, nearly-indefinable measure of fuel to take action on these answers. When we map things out, they become simpler, easier to understand, easier to believe in, and the results follow as an uncomplicated - or 'de-complicated'- chain of graspable steps, each following as naturally as breathing or tying your shoes.
There isn't even any need for you to necessarily believe or not believe in this life-changing, truly magical shortcut, because you can and certainly will prove them right or wrong... ... AFTER you've put them to the test.
The MisterShortcut Zen Path can safely assure you that, when you inquire of one hundred or one hundred thousand "self-made" millionaires, one at a time, how they got to be a millionaire, the majority of them will tell you that they had, and/or still have, a written plan.
MisterShortcut personally asked several thousands of millionaires that question, one at a time, and more than ninety percent of them included  "WRITTEN PLAN"    as one of their answers.
If you really do know better than thousands of millionaires how to go about becoming a millionaire, feel free to tell us -- oops, feel free to SHOW US -- that you know better. If not, we suggest you grab a pen and paper, now, this minute, and begin that magnificent journey to a phenomenally happier life... starting today.

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How many times have YOU seen someone winning by accident? Once? .... Maybe twice in a lifetime? Excellence never happens accidentally, not for masters and millionaires, and assuredly not for you, either.
When we follow the rules that Life (and masters and millionaires) set out for us, we multiply our probabilities.
If excellence is no accident, then neither is success, so, wise is a person who humbly accepts big shortcuts.
Total Winning becomes a much easier concept to grasp, and to fulfill, when we use genuinely universal shortcuts.
Make Total Winning YOUR Goal For This Year 

Kindly remember that the medical definition of insanity is,
"doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting a different result."

-When you want a better result, something in the effort that produced the result requires change.
Altering the attitude or the step, the color or the speed or simply ramping up the hunger to make it happen,
THESE are alternatives we can choose to embrace and embark upon, nurturing excellence... intentionally.

Excellence by intention counts among the most satisfying, validating, personally enrichening of our experiences.
Wealth and excellence do not necessarily go hand-in-hand, they simply do so as a matter of course, most often.

Whatever it is you desire and seek most, that is most often what you will inexorably move towards: It's human nature.
What you most want and wish for? Find masters and millionaires already attaining it, and you will find yourself at the core,
at the centermost point of the MisterShortcut Zen Path that exists in nature for approximately every human who ever lives.

You've reached the internet's largest personal empowerment website,
with 1,000,000-plus web pages - for YOU!

© EasyStreet, USA by Mister_Shortcut - The MisterShortcut Zen Path
    All rights reserved for those who reach out to starving people, and those who put $100 in an untouched account or savings bond for 200 years,
(every $100 becomes several billion) then spent on food for starving people.
Right now, you can and need to feed someone, in this case, at no cost to you.

One point one FREE cups of food to starving people for two clicks. Free clickthroughs saving lives at no charge to you

Rife Technology

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Masters and Millionaires      

YOUR Medical Dollars

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Dedicated with unremitting regard and admiration,
as so much of the MisterShortcut Zen Path is,
to the memory of the life-changing rara avis,

Msgr "Bernie" Francis Kellogg.

No empowerment website is complete without acknowledging
the enormity of Paul Newman's deeds. Talk about a world-class role model!
Earned two hundred million dollars profit outside of his careers as director, superstar, etc.,
and gave every dime to literally feed people .
Help feed hungry people... at no cost to you!
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Welcome to the MisterShortcut Zen Path of Winners and Champions Shortcuts to Achievement.
Millions of unique web pages on 1,089± websites:
The Largest Personal Website On The Internet
... and it's all for you
This is the MisterShortcut Zen Path of Winners and Champions, champions and billionaires.
Over two hundred thousand unique web pages on 1,089± websites: -
The Largest Personal Website On The Internet
... and it's all for you
This is the MisterShortcut Zen Path of Winners and High Achievers, Role Models and Leaders

Brought to you by Mr_Shortcut

Shapelinks - A Whole New Art Form
created for you by Mister-Shortcut.

The Godfather of EyeCandy showing his love for you again,
adding delightfully interactive Shapelinks at the MisterShortcut Zen Path.

Shapelinks are colorfully interactive hotlinks filled with EyeCandy.
Thousands and thousands of these EyeCandy Shapelinks exist,
creations of the staggeringly proflific Mister Shortcut.   Plus,
EVERY PAGE THEY LINK TO was created and artified by the same hands.
The purpose, of course, was to create an entirely new art-form,
while empowering people to empower themselves.

Showing us what you can do is so much more impressive than telling us what you can do.
One of the points made in shattering so many records in so many different areas of life
is to prove that if someone with multi-strikes can achieve world-class results using shortcuts,
then so can you!

You have only achieved the tiniest fraction of why you are alive here and now.
Whatever excuses or reasons yesterday possessed, today is a whole new game.
The difference with life is that the game has no time-outs; the clock never stops.

With millions of minutes of focus building The MisterShortcut Zen Path
here's proof right in front of your eyes of the power and fruit of using great shortcuts.

When is it your turn to enjoy a better life?

Using any one or more PowerGems within the MisterShortcut Zen Path repeatedly
is guaranteed to produce faster and better results for you.   Let's do it, hm?

The MisterShortcut Zen Path is a part of the mother of all websites,
the Psychology of Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires.
Free for your life, MisterShortcut hopes you find
at least some of the thousands of hidden treats
spread throughout hundreds of thousands
of unique web pages created for YOU
by the Godfather of Shortcuts,
the Godfather of EyeCandy,

Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts
Live them on purpose with the MisterShortcut Zen Path

Masters and millionaires shortcuts,
that's why we've come to this page,
for masters and millionaires shortcuts,
provide the boost to achieve the next stage.
Masters and millionaires shortcuts, for sure,
because Masters and millionaires shortcuts can cure,
the obstacles that we leave standing in our way,
prevents us from living the best of our days.
Masters and millionaires shortcuts,
all to help you help yourself,
do not leave Masters and millionaires shortcuts,
dessicated and wasted, sitting on top of a shelf.
Pull it on out, that bag of secret tricks,
Masters and millionaires shortcuts,
follow them straight and strict.

The MisterShortcut Zen Path adores the shortcuts of masters and millionaires,
because the best role models we have tend to be those masters and millionaires.
When you make your best efforts to engage and make use of the MisterShortcut Zen Path,
you will find that the MisterShortcut Zen Path makes its best efforts to engage YOUR success.
Less talking, and more doing, and you find yourself living the best of YOUR MisterShortcut Zen Path.